Monday, September 29, 2014

Design principles

 Today we used different objects, to arrange in different ways. These methods are Balanced - symmetric, Balanced - asymmetric,  Focus, Rythm, Variation, Opposite - contrast, and fading.

Balanced - Symmetric

Balanced - asymmetric




Opposite - contrast


Friday, September 26, 2014


Ignore my /irony- fantastic -irony/ drawing skills.
Today i finished the pictograms we had to make on paper, before we chose one to make in Adobe Illustrator.
We got a couple of styles/locations to choose from, and my style was made for a "youth club".

My idea was to slice the pictogram in half, to show what each thing does/is. For example an iPhone charger itself, charges- you guessed it. An iPhone.
Same with the vending machine. To get a drink, you put money in the machine.

The results are as showed to the left. Adjustments will be made in Illustrator.

Monday, September 22, 2014


Today we went through some pictogram stuff, and we got to test our "supposed drawing skills".
I chose a photo of a fly, to imitate on paper.  We had to draw a detailed figure, a less detailed, an "organic" figure, and a Geometric figure.

This was my results.


Thursday, September 18, 2014


The 8th of September, our class was attending Nuart, where we looked at street-art, while walking towards TouScene, and looking at the art at TouScene itself.

I chose Mathieu Tremblin's piece at Tou Scene's Ølhallen. It is a "Studio", and is made to have people in front of it. There are lights (as you se in the picture below) to enhance the photo. Which i see as kind of iconic. I think this piece represents how Mathieu says he does not care about the government, and wants them to take a picture in front of this piece, to show the irony of it.
Please send a picture of you in front of this wall to and get one in return"
Photo downloaded from here
Nuart is an annual international street art festival established in 2001 with a focus exclusively on Street Art since 2005. The Festival is based in Stavanger on the West Coast of Norway. In addition to a multitude of both sanctioned and unsanctioned public art works, Nuart also stages one of the most anticipated exhibitions of the year. The exhibition is held at Tou Scene's Ã˜lhallene

Copied from

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Exposure values

Today our task was to check out the possibilities with different exposure times. We had to make one with a long exposure time value where the object was moving, and camera was still, and one with the camera tracking the moving object. The last photo should be taken with a fast exposure time.
Unfortunately i didn't have time to do the fast one, but i found something laying around my computer, which I'm uploading. 

Here are my results:
Camera tracks moving object                    

Camera: Nikon D200
Lens: Nikkor 18-55mm
Exposure time: 10/1
ISO: 1000
In this photo, I'm walking while the photographer is tracking my movement, resulting me and the background being partially blurred, 

Camera is still, object is moving.

Camera: Nikon D200
Lens: Nikkor 18-55mm
Exposure time: 10/1
ISO: 1000
Here I'm using my phone's LED light as a torch, while waving it around, pointing towards the camera, to create these lines. All the lights in this room were turned off to produce this effect. The photo is rotated.

Camera is still, object freezes in action                  

Camera: Nikon D7000
Lens: Nikkor 50mm 1.8G
Exposure time: 1/800
ISO: 100
To freeze myself in the air, I chose a fast exposure value, so that i wasn't blurred/dragged in the air. This picture was taken in 2012, Rostov-na-Donu, Russia.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

3D Box image

Today we were working with basic Photoshop tools. That's blur tools, layering, duplication, and transforming tools.
Haven't learned anything new yet.
Nothing interesting to report.

How we started with the .psd file

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

For now i have nothing to say. Illustrator is not really my thing.