Monday, November 24, 2014

Troll spiddet av bukk.

Troll spiddet av bukk.
Troll (256) ble funnet ved Vidfoss etter slåsskamp.

Trollet ble sendt til Haukeland universitetssykehus søndags formiddag, etter haikeren fant han kl. 8.15 i nærområdet samme dag. Trollet ble funnet med øynene og flere organer revet ut av kroppen, med stort antall ribbein brukket. Som et resultat av øyenskadene blir trolig trollet blind for livet.

Da haikeren fant han denne morgenen var han ikke ved bevissthet. Bukken var ikke tilstede da haikeren fant han, og politiet leter ennå etter den skyldige bukken. Ettermiddagen dagen før skal det ha vært tilstede tre bukker som terget trollet. Den største av bukkene skal ha angrepet han.

Politiet har fått kontakt fra de to andre bukkene. Mandag formiddag var de inne til avhør om saken.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Graphical Profile

The graphical profile is finally done.
Personally I'm happy with the design. Maybe there's too few colors in the color-pallette though.
And the test-photo was not really impressive too.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Graphical profile

Top: Standard logo
Mid: Easter themed
Btm: Halloween themed

Today we got a new assignment for the next two weeks.
This time we got to design the profile to a "Café" (and we could redefine café if we wanted, which i did).

I chose to design a nightclub's profile.

The main theme will be the psychedelic look of the 80's, but a more modern version of it.
I will be mixing grafitti and the psychedelic pictures with modern Sans-serif fonts (Norwegian: "grotesk"), with strong, thin, lines. This will give the club both a retro and modern look at the same time.

So far, i think I'll call my club "Drunkies", with the slogan "Cool kids never sleep".
I also think the slogan should be a part of the logo, as it really reflects of what this place is, and who it's made for.
I have made a draft of the logo, which i had these factors in mind, plus i also wanted the logo to be able to follow holidays. For example if christmas is around the corner the logo would change to a christmas theme. Also if they would be selling official "merchandise", every "holiday" there would be limited edition products. (For example t-shirts, posters, pint glasses, ect.)

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Nærvær - Final

Now that the project is finally done, I'm going to talk a little about why i did the things i did.
Which i actually have beginning to doubt myself, now.

I chose the low contrast, black and white style to make a calm and pleasing picture, to the eye, and to create a special mood.

The sound i used, is a mix between, bubbles, echo, babykicks, and so on.

Afterall I'm impressed over how much i actually can make something this bad.

Deffinantly not proud of this. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Final idea - Signs of two

Here is my final idea for the pictures that will be taken.
Info about each shot is below every column.