Friday, August 29, 2014

Moodboard project

Since this is our first year at this new school, our teachers set up an interesting way of presenting ourselves. This involved creating a moodboard.
Here is my final result:

Even though our moodboards was made by hand, and didn't require using Photoshop, or a computer at all, i thought that printing out a couple of logos, was a good idea.

My message is that I'm addicted to technology. Google Chrome, Music, Snapchat, and Facebook is services i use every single day. Since i was in kindergarten, i was the computer genius. I love technology, in almost every way, and i can't imagine my life without it.


First post

Welcome to my blog! This blog will be used for school projects only, as our school forces us to use a blog as our hand-in platform for various projects and work.

If you're not my teacher, or my fellow classmates, feel free to take a look at what we do at our school, and my work. As always, comments and feedback is appreciated!

Sidenote: This will be the first blog that will actually be updated frequently, so my blogging skills are still limited.