Thursday, March 12, 2015


So.. Now i landed on some questions i can use for my infotainment video.

How did the internet change our perception of houmor?

Why did we change from 4:3 to widescreen?

Is bacon overrated?

What happened to email?

Why are emojis so popular¿¿¿

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


For the next three weeks, we are going to make an infotainment video. The theme is relatively open, with few restrictions. So far, I believe my theme will be something about North Korea's propaganda, that's their illustrations, style, and power it has over the population's minds.

My video is most likely to surround the question "How powerful can propaganda be?"

The video will have a voice over of me talking in English (as this is a cross-subject assignment).
The video will be edited with different pictures, and graphical elements, to emphasize the message.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Olympia Painting - MK

Group: Kent, Zygimantas, Even, Kacper og Marita.

Kunstner: Édouard Manet

År: 1863
Utstiling: Muse d Orsay, Paris

Denotativ beskrivelse:
Maleriet har en kvinne som ser mot deg, og en mann som har en bukett med blomster til henne. Kvinnen ligger naken foran mannen.

Konnotativ beskrivelse:
Kvinnen ligger naken på et silkeskjerf, med en mann foran seg som er i ferd med å gi en bukett til henne. Dette symboliserer at hun er prostituert. Faktumet at hun ser mot seeren av maleriet, gjenspeiler med seerene på denne tiden. Menn som drar på kunstutstillinger er ofte rike, og er potensiale kunder. Ved å dra med familien her, blir mennene "avdekket" da kvinnen ser mot dem.

Maleriets historie:
Maleiret er sterkt inspirert av  Titian's Venus of Urbino. Modellen heter Victorine Meurent, og hun blir referert som Venus. Venus har nylig blitt en prostituert og hun utfordrer seeren med hennes blikk.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Short film week

New week, new project. This time we shall make a 3 minute short film. What we make, is really up to us.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Print-ad (De 12 dramatiseringsformene)

This weeks assignment, is to make a print-ad for a charity oriented organization. Our first assignment, was to make a sketch product in InDesign, which should be based on "The 12 dramatization forms" I chose the first "The product in the main spot", and the 11th "Analogy".

Monday, January 19, 2015


Here's some textures, i guess. We took pictures of random objects, to find textures in them, and this is what i ended up with.

Friday, January 16, 2015


Today i finished the "Iddis" project. I'm not quite sure about my end result. The logo was kind of  mess, the picture didn't quite fit it, and the wave at the bottom seemed weird.